
Aggreko is a global leading supplier of mobile and modular power, temperature control and energy services, as well as oil-free compressed air rental. Headquartered in Scotland, some of Aggreko’s solutions include diesel generators, industrial generators, electrical distribution equipment, and various other power accessories. They came to Pace Creative for a custom manufacturing infographic to add into their digital marketing efforts.

Aggreko’s Remote Operations Centers (ROC) services provide 24/7 remote support to customers who have purchased Aggreko’s equipment. They needed Pace Creative’s help to educate customers about these services in an informative yet engaging way. Pace Creative was tasked with developing a content strategy that was translated onto our chosen medium, a manufacturing infographic, which was so successful at completing information marketing strategy that it was re-purposed to attract other markets.


increase in leads


increase in sales YoY


increase in social media engagement


A part of Aggreko’s Remote Operations Centers (ROC) offering is Aggreko’s Remote Monitoring (ARM) service which monitors onsite equipment and detects potential problems. It is a highly advanced real-time system that transmits equipment data from the customer’s site to Aggreko’s Remote Operations Centers so Aggreko and proactively diagnose problems and coordinate resolution quickly. As this is a unique and highly valuable service, Aggreko wanted to promote it and let customers know about the benefits that they’re missing out on.

  • How to convey the key features and benefits of ARM in a user-friendly way?
  • How to design a manufacturing infographic that is eye-catching and informative?
  • What information to include to resonate with customers and address customer journey pain points?
  • What elements must be included to encourage customers to take action?


Developing the Foundational Content Strategy

Pace Creative created a content strategy to organize the key messages in a cohesive way. We conducted customer journey analysis and research, from pre-purchase to post-purchase, and created a list of customer experience pain points or needs during each stage. Despite the ARM being a post-purchase offering, we wanted to be strategic to invite previous customers and entice those who have yet to purchase from Aggreko.

We focused on these visual communication elements:

  • Consistent symbols, icons, and colors ensure that the content is on point and helps guide the reader throughout the infographic.
  • CTAs that address customer journey pain points and engage the viewer to act upon the information.
  • CTA elements that engage the viewer to take the next step in the journey.

Translating the Vision into a Manufacturing Infographic

After crafting the story and key messages, we translated this vision onto a manufacturing infographic. We developed custom illustrations in line with Aggreko’s brand standards and ensured a consistent usage of symbols, icons, and colours. We wanted the graphics to complement the content, help guide readers through the infographic and keep them engaged.

We included numerous Calls-To-Actions (CTA) to encourage readers to act upon the information. We tailored the CTAs to each step of the customer journey to be more specific thus resonating with customers more.


  • The infographic was so successful that Pace Creative was hired again to repurpose and translate it for the Australian, UK, and EU markets.
  • Aggreko saw a 69% increase in leads
  • The sales year-over-year increased by 23%
  • Aggreko’s social media post engagement increased by 37%

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